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 Final Project and Evaluation 

Pitch Reflection

This is my project pitch where I pitch my idea to Fraser, I explain my general idea, what I'll research and some examples from industry.

Overall I feel like the pitch went well, this was mostly because I put lots of work into the power point itself which made it easier to explain my idea using example images.


Fraser mentioned how my next step should be to do research into Substance Painter and Substance Sampler. Learning these software's by following tutorials will give me the ability to texture in Substance Painter. 

He also said that I should look into real world mines, specifically mines in Asian countries. Doing this will give me a better understanding how they work. 

 Website Review - Context and Research 

Here me and Frazer reviewed my website at its current stage.


Overall I found this call very helpful, I got to see from a somewhat outside perspective what I've been doing well and what I can improve on. For example he said that my research was very thorough in terms of aesthetics. (steampunk and Asian architecture research) I need to focus on other aspects more, primary research is a big part of it I'm missing, some primary research I could do is make a survey about how my game is going production wise, or play some walking sims and give my opinion on them, like a review. Also making my research more varied by researching level design and mechanics is something I also need to do, however I've only just started designing the level so I will so this research will be more relevant now 

 Website Review - Practical Skills 

Here is a call where me and Frazer discuss the current state of my practical skills page.


Overall he said it was very good, with lots of evidence of my work, we looked at the grading criteria and he said that it was between a merit and distinction, we discussed what I need to do to get that up to a distinction, there are two pieces of evidence I need, some good primary research, for example people playing my game, giving their opinions on it and filling out a survey, and making a main main menu. 

 Final Showcase Video 

Here is a playthrough of my game, some still renders are below.


Click this button to download the Unreal Engine file for Mist Caverns 

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